Tipico for ipod instal
Tipico for ipod instal

Tipico for ipod instal

These apps are designed for the larger display of the iPad and users may encounter a problem when a button or dialog breaches the bounds of the iPhone's resolution (960圆40 for the iPhone 4). This isn't the first time an iPad app has been installed on an iPhone, the once iPad-only Netflix app had that pleasure courtesy of some clever hackery. It's a fairly straightforward procedure and results in some relatively usable apps. The modified app is then sent to your iPhone or iPod touch using FTP across OpenSSH (which must be installed on your jailbroken device). The process involves using an app called iTelePad2Pod on your Mac to alter the supported devices metadata of your target iPad app.

Tipico for ipod instal

OK, so this comes straight out of the why would you want to do this category, but thanks to the iSmooth Project folks from iJailbreakNow, installing and running iPad-only apps is now possible for the less tech-savvy on a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch.

Tipico for ipod instal